Euphoric Joy Edinburgh Logo
| Leith, Edinburgh

Euphoric Joy educational centre of tantric spirituality

Dare to explore genuine teachings and make your life joyful.

When correctly understood and properly practiced, Tantra helps you find your euphoric joy of living.

Foundation Courses

Be perseverant and join our in depth esoteric courses to start exploring your inner universe, with all the wonders it is about to reveal to you.

woman doing a yoga pose at Euphoric Joy Edinburgh

Esoteric yoga course

£50 /per month


A weekly yoga course to help you discover your higher life purpose, as you gradually discover the world of Hatha Yoga and perseveringly start walking the path of esoteric spirituality.
group of women doing tantric meditation at Euphoric Joy Edinburgh

Shakti Circle


Join our circle of Godly Femininity where you will find the sacred space for your journey of Feminine awakening to be celebrated. Embrace your Shakti, find strength in feminine unity and embark on a transformative tantric journey with us!
tantric couple facing each other at sunset

Shiva-Shakti: Tantric couple

£50 /per module


A tantra course for both singles and couples who are ready to sacrifice the idea and model of an ordinary relationship.


Start exploring the mystic realm of esoteric Tantra at your own pace, by booking one of our workshops offered as private bookings, both online and in person.

woman kissed romantically on the forehead by her lover

Amorous Continence initiation

£250 /per person


Join us on this enlightening path of self-discovery, where you'll gain valuable skills and insights to enhance your connection with refined and pure eroticism and build a foundation for lasting fulfilment.
happy women smiling in a class

How to make the woman happy

£240 /per person


Discover transformative insights and practical guidance by tapping into the foundational elements of Tantra teachings and the mysterious erotic universe of the woman.
illustration of a cosmic woman meditating in a yoga position with all chakras awakened

Journey through the 5 Bodies, 7 Chakras and 5 Senses

£250 /per person


Explore the depths of your being, from the physical to the metaphysical, as we delve into the layers of the five bodies, activating the seven chakras, and awakening the five senses.


* indicates required